
Sunday, July 19, 2015

11-in-1 Credit Card Multi-tool

They say the best tool is the one you have with you. This 11-in-1 is exactly what "they", whoever they are, had in mind when they said it. Unlike some other tools that may require a pocket or a case, this one is always with you to the point that you'll probably forget about it until you need it. Everyone has a little extra space in their wallet so you'll never forget to take it with you.

I'm impressed with the simplicity really. The number of sbasic things that have been squeezed onto a single piece of steel will come in handy when you least expect it. I think I'll get the most use out of the knife and saw but the multiple sizes of wrench sizes will come in handy too. Sometimes you just need something to get a little leverage and there are plenty of little slots on this to provide it.

Should you get it? Why not? You'll never know when you need it and it really isn't that expensive. It's made out of sturdy steel so you never need to worry about it breaking. I wish the case for it was a little higher quality but it seems strong enough to provide your wallet protection from the blade while still being thin. This thing's going to be with me at all times. I received this product free in exchange for nothing more than my honest opinion.

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