There's no denying that contact-less thermometers are handy. I've used a few but you should always make sure to have different kinds available in certain cases. I think this thermometer is one of those. Our baby happened to have a slight fever tonight so I took the opportunity to compare the reading this gave to another thermometer. It seemed to be low by a few tenths which may be acceptable in cases but be aware. When using the room temp function it tended to read a little high. Fortunately it does have a calibration feature that isn't to hard to use.
Function- As I said accuracy seems to suffer a little. The calibration helps but I wonder if different environments might require a re-calibration. Use is dead simple. Press the button, see what the temp is. You get three modes which comes in handy if you need to check other things too. My favorite feature is the mute button. If you have to check a sleeping child it means they won't wake up at the sound of the status beeps.
For a general purpose measurement device this could certainly work. I do recommend though that you test it against a few other sources at home and calibrate before relying on it. I received this product free in exchange for nothing more than my honest opinion.